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Don’t take our word for it. Believe our awesome guests!
Georgie McDonald, Restaurant owner
Menulist Pro package helped me grow considerable. Now I have more guests due to the many benefits offered. Thanks to the team!
Michael Bourton, Restaurant owner
With Menulist Pro package I stopped worrying that customers won’t find my restaurant - it just works.
Josh R. Wimley, Restaurant owner
Menulist is a dedicated professional platform providing quality service to its visitors. It is easy to use and gives you immediate results, even with the free plan.
Benjamin Moore, Restaurant owner
Platinum package helped my restaurant to be found more easily and attract more guests. The copywriter did an amazing job. Recommend!
Olivia Brown, Restaurant owner
Hi! I’ve had some great success using your Starter premium package and wanted to share!
Moritz Weber, Restaurant owner
The Pro package has made a significant difference to my restaurant. We have seen an increase in traffic from the website which has been pretty remarkable - but I always like to see more!
Make Money with Menulist
What is an affiliate program?
As you are probably aware, what is called an “affiliate program” or “associate program” is a relationship in which a platform pays you (the “affiliate”) for subscriptions from someone you refer to us. The affiliate is paid only when an actual sale is made by the merchant as a result of your contribution.
How it works
You definitely know someone who owns a restaurant or wants to join the restaurant business.
Spread the news and convince them to join our premium packages for a year. Tell them about the benefits like: no ads, individual content, on Google's first page... When they'll subscribe, they'll need to add your e-mail address - and we'll subsequently contact you about your cashback.
Get paid when they buy. It's easy! The restaurant owner will make a purchase of a premium plan and you will get paid. We talk about 75% cash back at Starter and Pro package and 40% cash back at Platinum package, all within 2 weeks after the purchase.