Location address

The eatery is also easily accessible by public transportation. The closest stop is Gare de Boulogne-Tintelleries, which is 602 meters away, Alternatively, you can also drive your car to the 92 meters away Q-PARK Quai de la Poste and park there. The nearest parking lot is Pot d'Etain Abruix and is 28 m away from Le Blue Note Factory, Thesecondclosest stop that is similarly served by public transport is Boulogne Tintelleries Railway Station at a distance of meters.

The address of Le Blue Note Factory is Rue Louis Faidherbe 6 Boulogne-sur-Mer, France, 62200. The map below shows the address of the restaurant. Using the map, you can easily navigate to the restaurant. Also, you can get details about public transport and parking near Le Blue Note Factory from this homepage.
