Location address

When you're planning your visit to Ziegelofen – Cafe-gasthaus, you could take public transportation to the station S-Bahn-Gänserndorf, which is the nearest station at 944 meters distance to the restaurant, Alternatively, you can also park your vehicle in the second parking lot (P 6) and walk the small distance to the restaurant. The nearest parking lot is Einkaufszentrum Gänserndorf Nord and is 52 m away from Ziegelofen – Cafe-gasthaus.

The address of Ziegelofen – Cafe-gasthaus is Protteser Straße 32, 2230 Gemeinde Gänserndorf, Austria, Gaenserndorf. The map below shows the position of the establishment. Using the map, you can easily navigate to the restaurant. Also, you can get information about public transport and parking near Ziegelofen – Cafe-gasthaus from this website.
