Opening hours

If you want to know whether Jaerjagaarden is still open or when it opens, you can find these information on this website. Here you get a quick overview of the opening hours of Jaerjagaarden. If you are organizing a special event like a birthday or a wedding, you can possibly negotiate special opening hours with the restaurant. Just call them on this phone number, which is (+46940485055) or send a message.

Jaerjagaarden - Opening hours

Currently closed

Restaurants in Vilhelmina open now

Below you can find restaurants near Jaerjagaarden in Vilhelmina which are open right now. You'll also find opening hours as well as (maybe) breaktfast hours.

Online table booking
Open Now
Online table booking
Open Now
City: Vilhelmina, Sågån 1, 912 92 Vilhelmina, Sweden, 91292
"We've visited this self-service restaurant during our Inlandsbanan trip to Gällivare. We've been surprised about the quality of the food since self-service restaurants usually are not that nice. They even had a vegan option with smoked soy strips in a pita bread with crunchy country potatoes. Would come here agin : Dogs are welcome as well (at least outdoor ."