Location address

You can obviously also reach the eatery using the public transport. The next station is S-Bahn-Praterstern, 542 meters away from DOLCE VITA, or you park your car at one of the nearby parking lots, the closest one is Garage Praterstern at a distance of 254 meters. Another parking spot nearby is Volkertstraße at a distance of 395 meters, Thesecondclosest stop that is likewise served by municipal transport is U-Bahn-Praterstern at a distance of meters.

You will find DOLCE VITA at Nordbahnstraße 32, 1020, Wien, Austria. You can view it on the map below and use it to easily navigate to the restaurant. Also mapped out are the public transport stops and parking lots near the Nordbahnstraße 32, 1020, Wien, Austria.
