Blog - Food Articles on Restaurants and Gastronomy

Eat outside: where you can enjoy your meal and what dishes are suitable for outside

Exchange office air for lunch to go on a park bench. Here you can find out how to get a little peace and quiet in everyday life, even during the lunch break.

With meat, vegetarian, vegan..Burgers for everyone

Between all the meat there are not only burgers made of vegetable patties, but really fine vegetarian and vegan alternatives. Which ones exactly? You can find out in this article.


Kitchen splashbacks: color trends & influence on ambience

Discover how the colors and materials of your kitchen splashback shape the ambience. Tips for style and design √

Rice pudding - Vegan or classic with milk! This is how it tastes and how you can prepare it!

Whether with cinnamon and sugar, cherries or red fruit jelly. Rice pudding is a real treat, not only for the little ones.


What must you absolutely eat when visiting New York?

New York is a paradise for foodies! From legendary hot dogs to exquisite fine dining experiences – the city that never sleeps has something to offer for every taste.

Sweet mustard, mustard sauce... so versatile and healthy is mustard!

Brown, black or yellow mustard seeds are used as the basic ingredient. These are now used for mustard production either as whole grains, coarsely or finely ground.

Why is the avocado called a superfood? Recipes: fried, as a spread or dip!

Not only does an avocado like this have just about everything you need. You can also enjoy it in almost any form. You can cut it, mash it, cook it, grill it, anything is possible.

About Lasagna Mamas and the worlds Lasagna love

Garfield is not the only one who loves her: The lasagna. Layer after layer of pure pleasure!

Fast food doesn't always mean junk food: Here's why you can enjoy both occasionally

Discover the key differences between fast food and junk food and learn why indulging in both occasionally can be part of a balanced diet.

Steam, cook, eat fresh - the best ways to eat spinach

In the past, spinach was attributed some magical powers -I'm just saying: Popeye and his growing muscles! Strong like Popeye? A can of spinach please!